What to Expect After Our Regular Bathroom Cleaning Services

HomeConsider It Clean Blog, Mooresville, NCWhat to Expect After Our Regular Bathroom Cleaning Services

Regular bathroom cleaning is one of the most important things you can do to keep your family healthy and safe. Because the bathroom is a room that is used regularly, it can quickly become soiled with dirt, dust, germs, and other grime. The humid atmosphere that results from bathing and showering also contributes to the rapid growth of mold and mildew.

What to Expect After Our Regular Bathroom Cleaning Services

At Consider It Clean, we work very hard to deliver the best possible bathroom cleaning services, but sometimes our clients want to know exactly what to expect after these services have been performed.

  • Bathtub and shower: We will scrub your bathtub and shower carefully to ensure that all soap scum and grime are removed. Fixtures will be cleaned and polished.
  • Sink and faucet: All water spots, toothpaste, and other residues will be gone, leaving a sparkling finish on the sink basin and fixtures.
  • Mirrors and windows: We will wipe down windowsills and clean glass surfaces to remove any dust and fingerprints.
  • Cabinetry: If the exteriors of your bathroom cabinets need to be wiped, you can be sure that we will address it during your bathroom cleaning.
  • Toilet: Your toilet will be sanitized and cleaned both inside and out.
  • Floors: First, we will sweep or vacuum the floors and mats to remove any built-up debris. Then we will mop the entire floor.
  • Other: You can be sure that your trash will be cleared and trash bags replaced.

Regular and thorough bathroom cleaning will reduce your need for deep cleaning services, but when you are ready to have your grout cleaned or other needs, we can help with those as well.